Cancellation Policy

Please be aware…

If you feel that you may not be able to make your massage appointment, please contact me no less than 24 hours prior to your appointment to cancel or reschedule.  

Appointments canceled less than 24 hours prior to the scheduled massage will be charged a Late Cancellation Fee equal to 50% the cost of the scheduled massage.

Clients who do not show up for their appointment will be charged a No-Call-No-Show Fee equal to 100% the cost of the scheduled massage.

Fees must be paid prior to scheduling any further massages with me. If future massages are already scheduled, those may be canceled if the fee is not paid in a timely manner.

Clients that show a pattern of Late Cancellations and/or No-Call-No-Shows may not be permitted to schedule with me in the future.

I understand it can be disappointing to have to cancel or reschedule your massage appointment, but please understand that these policies are in place to protect my income as a self-employed individual. I truly appreciate the understanding of all my clients.


Hannah Listle, LMT (MA93925)

TEXT: 850-462-4048